Ability to motivate employees, problem solving and management of complex organizations, negotiation, application of the Teals business method.
Since January 2016, I have been in charge of managing the Nephrology and Dialysis SOS of the Cividale del Friuli Hospital by the Udine Integrated University Health Agency. Thanks to innovative transversal managerial techniques of horizontal leadership, the SOS, with the same budget and staff, acquires not only haemodialysis, but also peritoneal dialysis and some territorial telemedicine processes. It exponentially increased its outpatient activities and became an important preventive health activity, as well as a territorial reference centre and integrated activity with general practitioners and district and local centres.
Founder and President of @uxilia. This non-profit organisation has signed memoranda of understanding with the Juvenile Justice Department of the Ministry of Justice, the Civil Liberties and Immigration Department of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. She was a member of the National Observatory of Volunteering. It has signed further memoranda of understanding with the Court of Udine and with several universities. From @uxilia Onlus was born in 2014 @uxilia Foundation with an unavailable endowment capital in works of art of 300,000 euro, today artistic heritage of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. Auxilia works in international cooperation in Developing Countries involved in armed conflicts with the construction of health centres, schools, orphanages and with pedagogical activities of professional training dedicated to child soldiers and women to support their emancipation. Most of the activities are carried out in the field of international diplomacy and negotiation. The territories are Central Africa, Middle East and Asia. In Italy, @uxilia's activities are carried out in the field of territorial social needs such as addictions, in particular the fight against doping, gambling, digital addictions, alcohol abuse and drug use. She is the organiser of the Concert for Life where Elisa, Ligabue and Zucchero, the Harlem Gospel and Lodovica Comello have performed. She produces monthly conferences, theatre shows, docu-films, books and magazines in collaboration with RAI Eri to raise awareness of social issues.
He is founder and Director of the Monthly Membership/Sanitary SocialNews. Journalistic magazine registered in 2004 at the Court of Trieste and sponsored by the RAI social secretariat, awarded in 2008 as the best experience in publishing at European level. He has been the media of numerous social campaigns of various Italian ministries. SocialNews collaborates with several Italian universities: University of Bologna, University of Padua, University of Udine and the University of Trieste.