Massimiliano Fanni Canelles, Author at Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles


Massimiliano Fanni Canelles - "Avant-garde TEAL" introduction

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles - "Avant-garde TEAL" introduction

ADVANCED TEAL The future of business organisations. Dynamics and methods for working in groups and knowing oneself Introduction The old theory of the scientific organisation of work consisted in conceiving organisational thinking only through structures and procedures; it is now discovered that the human spirit is the best integration tool that allows to face the Readmore aboutMassimiliano Fanni Canelles - Introduction "Avanguardia TEAL"[...]

Zvonimir Boban - Preface "Vanguard TEAL

Zvonimir Boban - Preface "Vanguard TEAL

ADVANCED TEAL The future of business organisations. Dynamics and methods for working in groups and getting to know oneself Preface by Zvonimir Boban The normality of man The search for human normality. This is how I, at least, would define this book by Massimiliano Fanni Canelles. This is how I would define his whole life, at least as far as I have been able to get to know itReadmore about Zvonimir Boban - Preface "Avanguardia TEAL"[...]

Andrea Pamparana - Preface "Avant-garde TEAL".

Andrea Pamparana - Preface "Avant-garde TEAL".

AVANGUARDIA TEAL The future of corporate organisations. Dynamics and methods for working in groups and getting to know oneself Preface by Andrea Pamparana The possible manifesto Massimiliano Fanni Canelles' book, even before getting to the heart of the issues it intends to address, introduces the reader with a quotation: "The old theory of the scientific organisation of workReadmore aboutAndrea Pamparana - Preface "Avanguardia TEAL"[...]

The TEAL organization

The TEAL organization

In view of the imminent publication of my new book "Avant-garde TEAL", I publish this second video clip as a summary and presentation of the topics covered, in particular trying here to illustrate my innovative approach to the topic of work organization. We know how human organizations have evolved over time, and the relationships within theTEAL Organization[...].

Vanguard TEAL - The evolution of organizations

Vanguard TEAL - The evolution of organizations

On the occasion of the imminent publication of his new book "Avanguardia TEAL" the author Massimiliano Fanni Canelles illustrates with some short video clips the topics covered and the innovative approach to the theme of work organization. In this first video, the evolutionary aspects of the corporate "form" are highlighted, where in recent decades it has been possible to notice a progressive shift away from structures firmly Readmore about Avanguardia TEAL - L'evoluzione delle organizzazioni[...].

The delicate balances in the Middle East after Morsi's death and the conflicts of the Islamic world

The delicate balances in the Middle East after Morsi's death and the conflicts of the Islamic world

Five explosions occurred last May in Kirkuk, a city in northern Iraq. And it is in this delicate context, that the Islamic State (Isis) has decided to show that it still exists. Many jihadists have returned and are returning from Syria. Based on what Iraqi and US sources have said,Read more about the delicate balances in the Middle East after Morsi's death and the conflicts of the Islamic world[...]

European vote cannot turn into a referendum between League and 5-Star Movement

European vote cannot turn into a referendum between League and 5-Star Movement

Polls in the 28 member countries open for European elections between 23 and 26 May 2019. Italy votes to elect representatives of the European Parliament on Sunday, 26 May. But how much do we know about the actual value of what we're going to do in the polls next Sunday? In Italy it is difficult to inform on the national programs to be onRead More about European, the vote can not turn into a referendum between League and Movement 5 stars[...]

The People Talk

The People Talk

📌Giovedì 23 May at 20:00 📌in Piazza Gonzaga (Solarolo) I will be with Gea Arcella to talk about inequalities, globalization and innovation. Here is the event with all the information. We talk about economic and social innovation, we talk about the knowledge economy, we talk about disruptive ideas, we talk about people because human capital is the real engine of economic development in the world.

China takes control of renewable energies

China takes control of renewable energies

It is June 2017 when U.S. President Donald Trump announces that he wants to step out of the Paris Agreement, an important treaty to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, one of the major greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. The agreement was signed by President Obama and other 195 countries in December of 2015. With the release of Americaread more about China takes control of renewable energies[...]